Hitachi HT7800 TEM

The Hitachi HT7800 120 kV TEM is equipped with a Lab6 filament, AMT Nanosprint15 B digital camera, brightfield STEM and an  Oxford Xplore EDS detector. This model has a Dual-Mode objective lens supports easy observation under low magnification, wide-field high contrast and high resolution. This multipurpose TEM is designed to image both material and biological samples and we routinely image nanoparticles and viruses. We also have a drop-casting sample preparation station for users, equipped with a glow discharge device, negative stains and sample grids. For ultramicrotomy of biological samples, we suggest that users work with the UMB Electron Microscopy Core–  UMB prepared samples can be brought back to UMBC for TEM analysis.


  • High speed CMOS navigation (screen) camera
  • High-sensitivity CMOS imaging (main) camera with a 15 megapixel (5056 x 2960) sensor
  • Accelerating voltages from 20-120 kV
  • Magnification range from x50-x600,000
  • Point resolution 0.20 nm
  • Maximum tilt ±70°
Hitachi HT7800 TEM
Bacteriophage used for therapy in drug resistant infections (T. deCarvalho)