The Keith Porter Imaging Facility in room 305 of the Physics building houses the following instrumentation:
Bruker Dimension Edge AFM
The Bruker Dimension Edge AFM provides nanoscale measurements of surface topography such as roughness and step height as well as nanomechanical properties. This system can be used with a variety of probes, depending on the application. Its motorized stage allows the investigation of large sample and the enclosure provides thermal and vibration insulation for high-resolution measurements. For more information on our training policy and configuration and specifications.
FEI Nova NanoSEM 450
The FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 is a field-emission scanning electron microscope with 1 nm ultimate resolution, large sample chamber with advanced motorized stage, and navigation supported by an in-chamber camera. High-and low-vacuum operations are possible. The system also includes EDS capability (Oxford Aztec). More information on the configuration and specifications.
Cressington sputter and carbon coater
Coating is a sample preparation technique used for beam-sensitive and non-conductive materials. The Cressington 108 Manual Sputter Coater uses ionized argon to vaporize and deposit a thin layer of Au/Pd onto a sample. The Cressington 108C Auto Carbon Coater uses carbon rod as the evaporation source for preparing samples with carbon when metal coatings need to be avoided (e.g. EDS applications).