Transmission Electron Microscopy


The Biological Sciences location houses a Hitachi HT7800 120 kV TEM with an AMT Nanosprint15 B digital camera.

    • High speed CMOS navigation (screen) camera
    • High-sensitivity CMOS imaging (main) camera with a 15 megapixel (5056 x 2960) sensor
    • Accelerating voltages from 20-120 kV
    • Magnification range from x50-x600,000

We routinely prepare and image viral particles and nanomaterials.  For histology, samples can be sent to the UMB Dental School Electron Microscopy Core for resin embedding and ultrathin sectioning, which can be then imaged on this instrument.

Note: This location includes a glow discharge device. 

Hitachi HT7800 TEM
Bacteriophage used for therapy in drug resistant infections (T. deCarvalho)